
This is a 2005 paper from the CMU Advanced Database Systems syllabus. The authors are from CWI (same research lab behind DuckDB).

The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate how DBMS of the time were poorly suited for modern super-scalar CPUs, and gives an overview of the design and implementation of new execution engine for MonetDB that has better mechanical sympathy.

What are super-scalar CPUs?

  • They are the processor we’re most familiar with today (Intel, ARM)
  • Designed with multiple pipelines, which are able to reorder the order of code execution
  • Having more pipelines can be better than having a faster clock speed in many cases
  • Data dependencies (e.g. a load following a store) create pipeline breaks which force execution to stall, adding clock cycles

Why were contemporary DBs poorly designed for super-scalar CPUs?

  • They weren’t built with pipeline awareness. This led to some bad outcomes
    • Filters were implemented with branching, which cause pipeline breaks
  • Tuple-at-a-time processing forces you to do LD, OP, STR in sequence. This creates a pipeline blocker for every single tuple
  • Column-at-a-time has the opposite problem: it leads to wasteful materialization, because you end up materializing a lot of data that doesn’t need to make it to the final result set → Memory Bandwidth constraint!

The authors built X100 to incorporate ideas to make MonetDB work on modern hardware:

  • Vectorized processing engine. Each operator receives and populates a batch of rows, which they call a vector
  • Gives developers ability to define custom operators, and build fused operators which inline a sequence of operations into a single vectorized operation
  • Minimizes branching and allows the CPU to run operators without jumps wherever possible

How do you get around the wasteful materialization problem?

  • Every vector emitted by a node will have a selection vector attached to it. This is a set/bitmap that indicates which of the fields from the tuple should be ignored
    • Why do this instead of having dynamically-sized tuples?
    • Because we want to pre-allocate memory and let the CPU do straight-line execution.
    • Mapping operators that transform data element i will write a result to output element i
    • Aggregations/final materialization ignores elements that are not in the selection vector/bitmap

How does it do?

  • They compare against DB2, and the original version of MonetDB with the old execution engine
  • X100 did ~100x better than the old MonetDB engine for most queries at small scales, and 5-100x better than DB2 at high scale